App, Branding, Website, Video

media co-op with Rape Crisis Scotland and Scottish Womens Rights Centre

  • App, Branding, Website, Video

Stalking is an under-reported crime. Most victim-survivors are women stalked by parters and ex-partners. FollowItApp is a mobile app for victim-survivors to keep a secure record of what’s happening to them incident by incident, over a period of time – an invaluable resource if they decide to report the crime to the police.

Created by media co-op with Rape Crisis Scotland and the Scottish Women’s Rights Centre. From Day One we worked in a participatory co-design process with victim-survivors of stalking, Police Scotland, lawyers, campaigners, support agencies, and the Crown and Procurator Fiscal’s Office – to make sure their needs were designed into the app from the beginning.

Users have commented “This will save lives.  This App is my buddy, my safe buddy. To have that little bit of control, when I’m so isolated.

“It’s really fantastic, cos when you’re stressed it’s hard to write. Your brain doesn’t order things. But the App puts things in the right order and keeps you focused. That’s what you need.”

“The App is a great idea, doing it there and then when it’s fresh in your mind. I’ve lost notebooks before but I always have my phone.”

Having enough evidence is the biggest problem. I try and blank it out, so I don’t remember when I see him. It gets hard when I go to the police they ask exactly when did you last see him. ‘exactly when?’ that’s the last thing I want to think about !”

media co-op also created the branding for the app,  a website and a short film to provide essential information to potential users and to services.