Climate Activism Under Siege

DCAF - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

“I was shot at, but I did not give up. Everyone needs to take part. I’m just as capable as a man” says Irfeeta, fighting for women’s rights, climate justice and peace in Yemen.

An international gathering of feminist activists, held across Yemen, Mali and Colombia, tussled with the complex intertwined issues of climate change, conflict and gender.

The Geneva Centre for Security Governance, DCAF, commissioned media co-op to create a series of six videos to sum up the key messages. We worked with local film-makers to create themed short reports from the events in each country, and this 2-minute portrait of one of the women who took part.

media co-op was chuffed to bits when this film was selected to screen at the Women Deliver Film Festival, to 6,000 women in Rwanda and 20,000 more online.

Click here to see the entire set of videos. Versions in Arabic, French, English and Spanish.