Best Film and Future Filmmaker awards at the Haelo Film Festival 2016

Going on to Happy Haelo Film Festival awardsmedia co-op’s participatory film ‘Going on to Happy’ pipped all other public sector films across the UK to the post to win the award for Best Film at the Haelo Film Festival 2016.

A well-deserved win for teenagers Daniel and Dharma. They’d never made a film before and they won the Future Filmmaker award. In the film, commissioned by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Specialist Children’s Services they interviewed each other about their experience of Team Foster Care.

Showing the service from the user’s point of view, Daniel and Dharma tell us about how Team Foster Care has helped them to build relationships with their foster carers and birth families, to change their outlook on life, and to work towards being happy.

Congratulations to everyone involved and thanks to Team Foster Care.

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